Adriana is a corporate communications professional by day, and climate communicator by night. She has over seven years of experience creating content surrounding climate and sustainability. You can find her bylines in Green Living Magazine, and creating content for websites, blogs, social media, and more! Check out her portfolio and read her professional blog as she explores the intersection between media literacy and climate literacy.
professional BLOG
mARKETING AND THE aPPEAL TO nATURE fALLACYmEDIA lITERACY // aUGUST 7, 2022What is the "appeal to nature" fallacy? This is a logical fallacy or belief often used as an argument that something is good or safe because it's "natural" or used directly from nature, and bad or unsafe because it is man-made or synthetically manipulated.
This logical fallacy can often be found in contexts where nature and science coexist, such as medicine (especially alternative medicine), food, and natural processes. Like other logical fallacies, people try to pass off the appeal to nature as proof to support their claims, but lacks the evidence that it needs to support a fact. |